First ClimateProxri Post


I recently started a climate change project which was introduced on the ProxThink River blog. The section of the project regarding what people can do right now has some suggestions and standards for people who have a website, blog or social network page. This post is the first example of using ClimateProxri and ClimateLocation, each of which can be used as both tags and text markers. Find out more at climate change project.

What does ClimateProxri mean? A ProxReward is a reward which relates elements in the proximity. ProxRewards are also called proxri for short (pronounced prox’ree). So a ClimateProxri is a proxri related to climate change. To find out more, see climate change project.

Here are some of my ClimateProxri:

  • I changed all my old lightbulbs to compact fluorescents about three years ago.
  • Our building has recycling now, so I’m recycling paper, plastics, glass and metals.
  • I’ve kept a 1987 Saab 900 turbo running for many years, which according to Wired Magazine, just might be a good idea. Plus, it gets better gas mileage than many new cars.
  • I work in my loft, so I don’t commute. I only drive a couple times a week, and I combine errands when I do drive.
  • I only eat meat a couple of meals a week (saves on methane production by animals and usage of water and energy for feed grain production)
  • I created a climate change project!

What’s a ClimateLocation? It’s a text string you can use as a tag to signal that a GPS location related to climate change is contained in a document, web page, blog post, etc. Then in your text, you can include the GPS location coordinates using the format ClimateLocation (number, number) as a text marker.

Both the tags and text markers ClimateProxri and ClimateLocation make websites, blogs, and social network pages more searchable. Again, to find out more, see climate change project.

Most of the ClimateProxri above relate to my downtown Los Angeles location, which is ClimateLocation (34.043037, -118.255215).

Also, tracks blog postings by neighborhoods and towns. I’m including one of the suggested location tags as well, which is the Google Map link for my location.

I hope you will adopt the ProxThink Climate Change Project standards for your website, blog or social network page. To find out more, see climate change project.

~ Proxri Deal: As you find our relationship rewarding, proxri with the proximity in mind. ~